field_name |
lastret.txt |
latest.csv |
explanation |
cnd1 | txt | WEATHER | WX Type 1 | Weather Cloud condition |
cnd2 | txt | WEATHER | WX Type 2 | Weather precip other |
temp | temp | AIR | Temperature | Temperature outside |
tempMax | temp | TMAX | Hi Temp | Temperature max |
tempMin | temp | TMIN | Low Temp | Temperature min |
hum | % | %RH | Rel.Hum. | Humidity Relative |
dew | temp | DEW | Dew Pt. | Dew point |
wBulb | temp | WET | Wet Bulb | Temperature Wet bulb |
windSpeed | wind | W.SP | Wind Spd. | Wind speed |
windDeg | deg | W.DIR | Wind Dir. | Wind direction compass |
rain | rain | PTOT | Tot.Prcp | Precipitation total |
snow | snow | SN.C | Snow Dpth | Snow / ice depth |
baro | baro | SLP | S.L.P. | Pressure at sea level |
spress | baro | mising field name | Stn.Pres. | Pressure at station |
chill | temp | WCF | Wind Chl | Wind chill |
heat | temp | HT.I | Heat Ind | Heat index |
valtemp | temp | VLY | Vly Tmp | Temperature valley |
hilltemp | temp | HILL | Hill Tmp | Temperature hill |
level | temp | LVL1 | T_Lvl 1 | Temperature level 1 |
t850 | temp | 850T | T_850 mb | Temperature 850 mb |
thk | dist | THK | 10-5 Thk | Thickness |
li | temp | LI | LI | Stability Lifted index |
si | temp | SI | mising field name | Stability Lifted index |
skyCover | % | L.CD | Sky Cov | Cloud cover Lower (level 1/2) |
sc1 | % | mising field name | SC L1 | Sky cover layer 1 |
sc2 | % | mising field name | SC L2 | Sky cover layer 2 |
sc3 | % | mising field name | SC L3 | Sky cover layer 3 |
sc4 | % | mising field name | SC L4 | Sky cover layer 4 |
sc5 | % | mising field name | SC L5 | Sky cover layer 5 |
vst | % | VST | Vis Trans | Sky visible trans. % |
visib | dist | VIS | VIS | Visibility horizontal |
sunalt | deg | S.AL | Sun Alt | Sun altitude |
solar | W/m^2 | S.IR | Solar Rad | Solar Radiation |
UV | index | UVI | UV Index | UV Index |
frezlvl | ASL | mising field name | Freezing Level | Freezing Level (highest) |
snowlvl | ASL | mising field name | Snow Level | Snow Level (= freezing level when no precip) |
tscd | index | TSCD | Convection index | Convection index (1=very unlikely => 5=numerous likely) |
thunder | % | SWXO | Severe index | Severe index (1=very unlikely => 5=numerous likely) |
gust1m | wind | G1MN | 1 min Gust | Gust 1 minute |
gust | wind | G10M | 10 min Gust | Gust 10 minute |
gust1Hr | wind | G1HR | 1 hr Gust | Gust 1 hour |
gust6Hr | wind | G6HR | 6 hr Gust | Gust 6 hour |
temp15M | temp | 15M | 15 m | ?? |
tempGrass | temp | GRS | Grass Temperature | Temperature grass level |
tempSurf | temp | SURF | Soil Surface Temperature | Soil surface temperature |
tempSoil1 | temp | TSO1 | Soil Temperature Depth 1 | Soil temperature depth 1 |
tempSoil2 | temp | TSO2 | Soil Temperature Depth 2 | Soil temperature depth 2 |
tempSoil3 | temp | TSO3 | Soil Temperature Depth 3 | Soil temperature depth 3 |
tempSoil4 | temp | TSO4 | Soil Temperature Depth 4 | Soil temperature depth 4 |
tempSoil5 | temp | TSO5 | Soil Temperature Depth 5 | Soil temperature depth 5 |
moistp1 | % | MSO1 | Soil Moistere Depth 1 | Soil moistere % depth 1 |
moistp2 | % | MSO2 | Soil Moistere Depth 2 | Soil moistere % depth 2 |
moistp3 | % | MSO3 | Soil Moistere Depth 3 | Soil moistere % depth 3 |
moistp4 | % | MSO4 | Soil Moistere Depth 4 | Soil moistere % depth 4 |
moistp5 | % | MSO5 | Soil Moistere Depth 5 | Soil moistere % depth 5 |
ET0_SRC | ??/h | ET0S | ET0 Short Reference Crop | ET0 Short Reference Crop |
ET0_LRC | ??/h | ET0L | ET0 Long Reference Crop | ET0 Long Reference Crop |
evotrans | ??/h | ATAC | Actual Evapotransipration | Evapotransipration Actual |
ET0_t_SRC | rain | ETST | Total ET0 Short Reference | ET0 Short Reference Total |
ET0_t_LRC | rain | ETLT | Total ET0 Long Reference | ET0 Long Reference Total |
evotrans_T | rain | ETAT | Total Actual Evapotranspiration | Evapotranspiration Actual Total |
IR_down | W/m^2 | IRDN | IR Down | IR Down |
IR_up | W/m^2 | IRUP | IR Up | IR Up |
heat_sens | W/m^2 | HSEN | Sensible Heat | Heat Sensible |
heat_lat | W/m^2 | HLAT | Latent Heat | Heat Latent |
radiation | W/m^2 | RNET | Net Radiation | Radiation Net |
heat_cond | W/m^2 | HCUP | Heat Conducted Up to Surface | Heat Conducted Up to Surface |
moist1 | cb | SMT1 | Soil Tension Depth 1 | Soil tension depth 1 |
moist2 | cb | SMT2 | Soil Tension Depth 2 | Soil tension depth 1 |
moist3 | cb | SMT3 | Soil Tension Depth 3 | Soil tension depth 1 |
moist4 | cb | SMT4 | Soil Tension Depth 4 | Soil tension depth 1 |
moist5 | cb | SMT5 | Soil Tension Depth 5 | Soil tension depth 1 |
skyCover2 | % | SKY | Lower cloud cover | Sky cover total |
tsmo | ? | TSMO | Convection index | Thunder/Showers |
irt | ? | I.RT | mising field name | Irrigation rate |
tti | ? | TTI | mising field name | Stability Total totals |
tad | ? | T.AD | mising field name | Temperature Advection |
pop | ? | POP | mising field name | Precipitation chance/hour |
prt | ? | P.RT | mising field name | Precipitation rate |